
Churches Peschici, Churches Gargano, Churches Puglia





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Studio 2/4 Pl.
2-Rooms 3/5 Pl.
3-Rooms 4/6 Pl.



Meteo Peschici


Churches Peschici Gargano Puglia


Chiesa S.Elia



Chiesa S.Antonio



Chiese, Monasteri
Via o Localita

Chiesa S.Elia Profeta

Centro Storico

Chiesa S.Antonio da Padova

Corso Umberto I°

Chiesa Del Pugratorio

Piazza del Popolo

Chiesa S.Michele

C/o Recinto baronale

Abbazia di Kalena

Località Calèna

Chiesa Madonna di Loreto

Località Madonna di Loreto

Statua della Madonnina

Litoranea Peschici-Vieste

Statua Madonnina del Mare

Braccio Levante del Porto

Le Principali feste locali


Madonna di loreto

Otto giorni dopo la Santa Pasqua

Madonnina del Mare

Ultima Domenica di Maggio

S.Antonio da Padova

12/13 Giugno

S.Elia Profeta

19/20/21 Luglio

Madonnina di Kalena

08 Settembre


21  Settembre

Madonna del Rosario

Prima domenica di Ottobre

istorical View of St. Anthony
The Conventino St. Francis of Assisi, exiled, to Peschici was born of a "locum" (meeting place of a few brothers), who was part of "Custody Montis Sancti Angeli" in which, as stated by Bartholomew Pisa in 1245, were included, in addition to that of Monte S. Angelo, even those of St. John R. , Vieste, Rhodes G.co, Cagnano V., Ischitella and PESCHICI.
The same Luke Wading Franciscan theologian and historian, confirms this and notes that what was Pasquitti the IV Lucumi. Fra Tommaso da Celano, the first biographer of St. Francis of Assisi, in the Treaty of Miracles, thus speaks of the convent of Peschici: a time two brothers had not taken a little less effort to build a church in honor of St. Francis in the country of Peschici Siponto of the diocese, and not enough need for the building one night in his sleep alzatesi to sing the praises, they began to hear thuds of stones that fell in a heap. They urged each other to go to see, and going out saw a huge crowd of men, who competed gather stones.

Came and went all silent, all wrapped in white robes. The great mass of rocks collected demonstrates that there was deception of the imagination, partly because there was until the completion of the factory. For most was dispelled any suspicion that they were men of flesh and blood, for, made diligent search in every way, it was found that no one had thought of that aid (No. 60), for lack of parish records, we come to the early the seventeenth century to learn some news. In 1602 it is noted that St. Francis is Conventino effciente and running, "Farewell March 18, 1602, Brother Cesare I, guardian of St. Francis of Peschici, I baptized Angla (Angela), daughter of Domenico Raguscino of Matuscia (Matescia) et his wife Anna, born 16 alli said. He kept the source MJ: Giulio Ceserano Langianese et Elena Vodnizza (Bodenizza) his wife. In another writing of March 24, 1602 is confirmed the existence of Conventino in whose church is baptized by the same father in Caesar Mattheo Stipicchio son of Michael and Margaret Scelcutovicchio, born on 21 and held that the source from Thu: of Bartul called Murlachio, and Catarina Veselicichio of Mede and Stana Vegliaci.

The Conventino of St. Francis was still functioning and in 1627 the Prior was among Ventrella Francesco Antonio until 1637 that baptism 25 of Ottobbre Lonardo, the son of Domenico Draghiccio and Laura Pistioa. But August 2, 1664, which remained in operation until that date, in the scriptures we read "The Conventino suppress." Similarly on 8 June 1699 until December 1707 when it found "a child of unknown father and mother suppress the Convent of St. Francis outside the walls of the hermit Biase Rinaldi, baptized in the Cathedral Church, held at source the 'vammana' Bodenizza Catarina, Don dall'Arciprete Giondar signed with the name of Antonio Maria. Most likely, the convent was suppressed in 1652 with a splash INSTAURANTE of Pope Innocent X, even if the acts of 1675 pastoral visit of Cardinal Orsini, Archbishop of Manfredonia, we learn that they are blessed with two bells, one of which is in honor of Saint Francis post in the church "extra moenia".

Since 1767, the Church is titrated to San Antonio. (we assume that the convent and church were rebuilt following the devastating earthquake on May 31, 1646, by the friars that dedicarano precisely at San Antonio.) "At September 22, 1767, the priest Michael Zaffarano baptized a young girl exposed in Convent of San Antonio, cuius parentes ignorantur. With the edict of Napoleon in 1806, which established the cemetery outside the city walls, the Church of San Antonio was used as a cemetery. Some side-chapel was built, the most were buried in common grave at the center of the Church in a trap. That was until 1884 when it was innagurato the new cemetery and there depostovi first corpse was that of Raffaele Marino was Carmine, widow of Nicolandrea D'Ambrosio. " (d. 12/09/1884) (Damiani memory). Presenting the need for a new parish, since the country was growing more and more, Monsignor Andrea Casarano, Archbishop of Manfredonia and Perpetual Administrator of the Diocese of Vieste, with a splash dated 1 January 1952 established the new parish under the title of San Antonio Padua.

History of Pope Celestine V in the Gargano:
In March 1968 Ignazio Silone Public Story of a poor Christian with a dedication emblematic: "The usual story." After centuries of silence of the literature he reads in key evangelical not dissimilar from Petrarch story of Celestine V, the incompatibility symbol of holiness with power, postulating a demythologized Christianity, freed from the bonds of time. The message Silone chooses the bare form of theater to draw definitive effect, expressing a protagonist with a strong idea, consciousness above the person has not the power of salvation, it is rather the surrender to it, an affirmation of freedom and purity of consciousness . Along the paths of the world, Celestine had moved awkwardly, but made the ultimate act of surrender to the pontificate. Unique in the history of two millennia of the Church. Returning monk, loved and followed by the faithful, he was hounded and jailed, a dark tower choked his utopia.

But the light of his conscience, intolerant of compromise, which indicates the power behind the establishment of religion the most dangerous enemy, still continues to shine. Gargano witnessed the last stages of dramatic biography of the pope of the "great refusal." After the loss of the pontificate, the fugitive was directed towards the monastery of San Giovanni in Piano at Apricena, who followed his religious order, was then taken on Rhodes in Greece, where he probably intended to rejoin the community of spiritual Clareno, but the ship wrecked. The resort to "fifteen miles from Rhodes and five miles from Vieste, where he spent nine days before being discovered and handed over to emissaries of Boniface VIII, was not identified specifically by contemporary biographers (" Analecta Bollandiana, Vita C.).

Historian viesti Giuliani pointed to the beach of Santa Maria di Merino. Mimmo Alioto and Joseph Martella have speculated that Celestine V has found a temporary shelter near Peschici. The first researcher indicates the abbey of St. Mary of Kalena and the second locates a rocky place, significantly called caves' u pope, situated in a pine forest near the tip of Calalunga between Peschici and Vieste. Attractive hypothesis, supported by ancient oral sources. Celestine V taking refuge in this very rocky area: here was taken by the governor of Vieste. The presence of Celestine V in that location seems to be confirmed by a very special place-name: the inlet which branches off the path that leads to the whole rock is called U 'Iale' s Cross (beach of the Cross). And logo crest Celestine is just a cross entwined with an S, a symbol of the Holy Spirit.

The description in the emotional drama of Silone. The capture of Celestine V on this stretch of coast Gargano finds its echo in the literary scene of the drama of V Ignazio Silone. In The Story of a Humble Christian, the action takes place in an inaccessible location, reachable only by boat, on the southern coast of Peschici in Vieste: semigrotta is a large, hollow half-way of a rocky promontory, almost overhanging the sea. Around clumps of prickly pears grow here and some olive-front is a path that extends in the shape of terraces, some large stones serve as seats, a spring is near. The time of the story is a sunny afternoon in May 1295. Six months have passed since the escape and dall'abdicazione to escape their pursuers agents Boniface VIII and their French competitors. Celestine rests inside the cave illuminated by the sun westward, is sitting on a mattress, his back and his head leaning against the rock, eyes closed.

Two young brothers, for reasons of prudence, in civilian clothes, waiting to wake up to tell the latest news: the prior of San Giovanni in Piano has made available a boat with a couple of fishermen on the ferries in Greece, the island of Achaea (Gulf of Corinth), where they are friends who preceded them. Expect, to sail, the wind is favorable. The decision of exile, Celestino explains why the two friars who were beside him, after the others were detained, and few have managed to take refuge in Greece: 'My children, look upon this earth, these stones, the sea the sky; Fill the soul of these images, to rethink the distance. Must love their land, but if it becomes uninhabitable for those who want to preserve their dignity, it is better to leave. " In the ensuing dialogue between Thomas and Pier Celestino, there is reference to the town of Peschici, where by some sailors 'whispers' on the poor fugitive, "I'm sorry to insist, but you better hurry. A Peschici, near here, there are rumors about you. One of the fishermen, who now is back from there, was questioned by a policeman. " The action resumes in the same framework, one month later: Spring is the successor to the summer. The trail that climbs from the coast appear to Matthew the weaver and the daughter Concetta, who, banished from Morrone for their religious ideas, finally, after innumerable hardships of travel by sea reached the friars in the difficult places Gargano. These make them aware of how Celestine had "delivered" to his enemies.

The influence of the sanctuary of Monte Sant'Angelo:
Beyond these literary references and place names, the places of the district are still concerned by the wave of the memory of Celestine V. His figure stood engraved in the collective affinity for important territory Gargano had qualified, from the medieval period, for an extensive and widespread monastic settlement, a number of religious settlements and rock caves, where monks, hermits and hermits lived in close symbiosis with nature. The eleventh and twelfth century, many Benedictine abbeys were proliferating around the revered shrine of the Archangel Michael, had an extraordinary spiritual and economic influence, extensive territorial possessions and massive settlement structures. To vacant lands and forests, which formed the initial landed property, was replaced by a network of private productive arable land and vineyards, with processing plants.

The experience of monastic settlements Celestiniana, the system of "fraternity" and "crab" will form part of this supportive environment, complementing the rational use of territorio.Testi Della Prof.Maria Teresa Rauzino.







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